Monday, January 17, 2011

Winter doldrums

I have had the "after the holidays blues" these past few weeks. I couldn't seem to summon the energy to do much of anything; not riding, or cleaning, or writing. All I've done is sit in front of the television and eat or read. So keeping that in mind, Saturday was a bit of a godsend. The Oregon Dressage Society has had a clinic planned for quite some time. It was about the changes in the 2011 dressage tests. I had been planning to go, and thankfully I managed to get myself out of bed and leave the house by 6:30 a.m. I spent the entire day at Devonwood. There were over 200 people there for this clinic. We had a lecture and demo riders. We went over the tests all the way through 4th level test 3. It was just what I needed to help jumpstart me for the new year.

I came home and spent the evening making sure all of my memberships needed for showing were in order. Sarah is going to show Bay, and I wanted to be sure we were ready with the information needed for the entry forms. I signed Baythoven up for the awards programs I was interested in too.

Now what I need is to get myself out and ride Boo. He's been neglected for just a little over a week. Along with neglecting Boo, I've been neglecting myself. Time to get back into the swing of things. The holidays are over. Spring will be here soon. I am looking forward to those 2 weeks in February where the sun shines and the crocus and forsythia start blooming. Shortly thereafter those true harbingers of spring, the daffodils, will appear. In the meantime I am going to try to fool myself in to believing it's even closer than it is. I'll buy flowers and bring them home. I'll get outside into the natural light as much as possible. I'll force myself to exercise so that I can have all those wonderful feel good hormones circulating...and most important of all...I will ride. READY SET GO!!!


  1. Sounds wonderful!!! We start blooming later than you do, I think. Last year, we took a trip to Seattle (which is much warmer than we are) and I bought two huge bunches of forsytha at Pike's Market and drove them home. It really was like bringing spring back early!! I just love that idea--and making plans--exercising--eating right. That's what January/February is all about!

  2. I seem to go through phases like you are in now! I go go go...then I go down! I have fibromyalia...have had it for years and it someitmes gets the best of me to where I don't get dressed let alone go anywhere. Glad you kicked your ass outta bed and had a good day at Devenwood, which is just across the street from our PDX stables!!!

  3. Staying outside as much as possible, and keeping moving, are very helpful, I've found. Spring will come (not soon enough for me)!

  4. A beautiful bunch of flowers to look at always lifts spirits! I have found pedicures help too....just looking at my painted toes makes me happy. :-)

  5. I forced myself to go to a clinic on Saturday as well. I was really dragging my feet about going but I'm really glad I did. I feel more focused on show season as well. Hope I can keep it that way. I was sooooo dragging.

    Where there big changes in the tests??

  6. My bulbs are starting to poke their noses out of the ground. I love that!

  7. MiKael: The changes are good ones. They don't have 4 tests anymore. There are 3 in each level. Even Intro has 3 tests and the last one has canter. Of course the patterns have been changed. You get to choose to do rising trot in 1st level. You use to have to sit it in that level. Seems like they are really trying to emphasize harmony between horse and rider and do what is best for the horse.

    Wolfie: Thanks for the idea. I will start getting my pedicures earlier than I normally do. I like looking at pretty toes too. Especially when they're mine ;)

    Kate: You've hit the nail on the head about staying outside a lot. I always do better when I get out to the barn or take a walk outside. I pinned down some yoga and pilates classes at my club too. Every little bit helps.

    Desert Rose: Do you keep your horses at a boarding barn when you are home or a private barn? If a boarding barn do you mind saying which one? Maybe we have some friends in common.

    Linda: I didn't get the flowers bought today, so I will post a picture of them tomorrow. Can't wait to bring them home.

    Annette: Nothing blooming here yet, but I know it will be soon and that will get me through.

  8. You've been awarded the Stylish Blogger award. Stop by to get it.

  9. There isn't anything blooming here yet either -- just green noses poking through the dirt. Maybe a few early bloomers in February if the rest of the winter is mild. I nominated you for an award, by the way. You can see it on my blog --

  10. Your right about the last month or so, I`ve been a bit lethargic! Put on at least a stone! Poor ol` hoss gonna need to get fit to carry me! So I to started to eat better and do some exercise. My body hurts like hell, and all my poor joints feel like they`ve been wrung out!
