Sunday, September 18, 2011

Fantastic weekend

We had a great time at the Pendleton Roundup once again!!!  The DH and I, along with our daughter Jaimee and my dear friend Joanne, managed to be there for the rodeo on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.  We met up with other family and friends.  We saw the big parade on Friday morning.  We shopped until we nearly dropped.  We spent some time at Crabby’s Underground, the Rainbow Room, and of course out on Main Street listening to the bands.  We had a lot of fun, got little sleep, and drank a few beers.  I must have taken about 500 photos, and I learned a ton about what not to do when taking pictures.  I'm always a little sad when it's over...I'm also grateful because these old bones just ain't what they use to be!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The boys are doing well in their new home

The horses have been in their new home for a little over two weeks now. They are turned out to pasture together and they seem to be getting along well. My first time out I lunged Boo in the outdoor. That went pretty well, so my next time out I rode in the outdoor. He was pretty excited and not listening to well, but we managed. I’ve ridden him a couple of times in the indoor, and he does pretty well in there. There are some trails to ride out there, so I think I’m going to have to get Mick out there and explore those before the rains start up again.

Both boys call a bit when one or the other of them leaves the pasture. They seem to be doing that less and less though. We took Bay to the ODS Championships last weekend, so Boo had to spend the entire weekend in the pasture alone. He did alright though. He had a couple of mares in the pasture next to him and other horses in sight. Boo has some scratches on one of his hind feet. I always thought that was something that happened during the muddy season, but these came on right before we left CEC and the ground was dry. I’ve been treating it with Vetracyn. Looks better, but not completely cleared up yet.

For any who may be wondering I’ve finished the cabinets in the kitchen. I have the island left to do, but that won’t happen until the end of the month. My sister is going to be out here from Cheyenne and all projects are on hold while she’s here. I’ll post a picture when the islands finished.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Oregon Dressage Society Championships

Training Level 3rd Place
First Level 6th place

Tough competition, but they placed.