Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Summer's Ending

Had my first ride in 2 weeks on "my little pony" yesterday. I gotta tell ya he was a bit of a butt. He wanted to run around with his head in the air the majority of the ride. I had only planned a short ride...say 30 minutes. Figured it would be a good way to work back into riding and not be so sore. Unfortunately, I had to spend more than an hour in the saddle just to finally get him consistently on the bit and listening to me. Please tell me everybody has days like this?

I'm sure things will get better as I get back into riding consistently. Wanted to find time to give him a bath, but looks like that won't happen right away. Still playing catch up from the crazy summer I had. All I really want to do today is crawl back into bed, pull the covers up over my head, and sleep for 24 hours straight. Instead I have the puppies in for their annual check-up and I have an appointment to wash away the gray hairs on my aging head.

I enjoyed my visits with my sister and niece this past couple of weeks. Wish we could see one another more often. Plan to head out to Cheyenne next summer, but most likely won't see them again before that. I have a camping trip and a rodeo on the agenda for September. Looking forward to the rodeo. Camping trip...not so much...it's getting cold now and I don't like to be cold.

I took some great shots of the sunset in Central Oregon when I was there. There were wildfires and they always leave the horizon smokey. That makes the color beautiful.


  1. LOL. I've had the you-want-me-to-do-what? ride on many occasions when real life has interfered with my barn schedule. Doesn't take them long to assume the role of pasture ornament! Ah well. Once the dust has settled after camping and Round Up, he'll get the message that he's back to work. They're so funny.

  2. Hey Mary! Boo and Dansuan have a couple of new pasture mates. Zim and Rocky are Arabians too. So far it's working out. They all seem to be pretty mellow (knock on wood). How's Phantom doing?

  3. I saw Susan's post that two Arabians moved in and Patrick is back. Glad the stalls are filling up.

    Phantom and Zorro have settled in nicely. Seems Zorro has been "adopted" by Jimmy, a large pinto. He gets sandwiched between Phantom and Jimmy vying for his attention.
