Monday, April 6, 2009

Horse Show weekend

I spent this past weekend going to horse shows. Not riding in them, but going to watch others ride. I went to the Arabians In Motion Back to Basics dressage show at Devonwood on Saturday, and I went to the ODS Adult Team competition dressage show down at the Salem fairgrounds on Sunday. The thought of riding in a show pretty much makes me sick to my stomach with nerves. Still I find value in going to watch others. I posted in an earlier post that I have been having some trouble with Boo. I got some good advice from another blogger and from my old trainer. I used their advice this morning and had the best ride I've had in weeks. I also think that watching others ride all weekend long helped me. I knew that I wanted my guy to work in balance. To make balanced transitions and to listen to my seat and legs. I knew from watching this weekend what that looked like and what it didn't look like. I visualized in my ride today looking the way I thought we should look when we made our transitions and it really did help me. I didn't always get it right, but when I did I knew it and when I didn't I tried again. We ended on a very good note. Can't wait for my ride tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Lucky you for having shows nearby to watch! That's great that you were able to learn from them and apply it to yourself and your horse.
